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This Is Important!

Oils are fats.  We need them.  We have to have them.  They are part of every single cell in our body.  They are especially important to our nervous system (*our brain), our cardiovascular system and our hormonal system. 
The problem is that we need the right fats.


Hydrogenated / Partially Hydrogenated (Trans) Fats:

The food industry has developed hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats.  This is typically done by heating oils, and that changes them chemically.  The bonds holding the atoms together become “trans” bonds; hence the term “trans fats”.  While these fats increase the shelf life of a product, they are not healthy for us to consume.  I consider them poisons.  And they’re sneaky too!  They enter into the chemical reactions that require fats, but the products are substandard.

These are a few of the negatives associated with hydrogenated fats:

      Heart Attack
      Hot Flashes

Autoimmune problems
Skin problems
Menstrual Cramps

Eliminate fried foods and any foods containing hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated or trans oils/fats!!!


Natural Fats - Saturated & Unsaturated:

There are two kinds of natural fats, saturated and unsaturated.  Saturated fats are primarily in animal and dairy products.  Saturated fats from these sources, particularly red meat, are less useful and more unhealthy than other sources.  Some sources of saturated fats are healthy in moderation.  These include coconut, butter and avocado.

Unsaturated fats come in two forms, monounsaturated (one open chemical bond) and polyunsaturated (multiple open chemical bonds).  These are liquid at room temperature and are healthier.  They decrease the risk of heart disease and provide the omega 6’s and omega 3’s you’ve heard about.  The omega 6’s can be very helpful but the typical American diet contains plenty of omega 6’s creating an imbalance between the 6’s and the 3’s… which is why most of us can be helped by supplementing with the omega 3’s.  Note that the body can not produce these on its own.

Below is a summary borrowed from to your health:

Saturated Fats:

1.  Short chain

Easily metabolized for energy

Butter, Coconut, Palm Kernel

2. Medium chain

Metabolized for energy

Coconut, Palm Kernel

3. Long chain

Associated with heart disease and elevated bad cholesterol

Meats (especially red meats)

Unsaturated Fats:

1. Mono

Lowers heart disease and cardiovascular risk

Olive, Canola, Peanut

2. Poly

Omega 6's and 3's, lowers heart disease and cardiovascular risk

(see below)


Omega 6:

1. Linoleic acid (high in food supply)

Safflower, Sunflower, Corn, Peanut, canola

2. Gamma-linoleic acid (low in food supply)

Borage, Blackcurrant seed, Evening Primrose

Omega 3:

1. Alpha-linolenic acid (some conversion to EPA, DHA)

Flaxseed, Hemp, Nuts, Green Leafy Veggies, Wheat Germ, Fatty Fish (i.e. Salmon, Tuna, Mackeral)

2. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)



1.  Organic, cold processed oils are best.
2.  Limit fish because of mercury contamination.
3.  Because of the way most animals are raised, they accumulate toxins.  Hormones are commonly used to bring animals to market faster.  Pesticides are used on grains given to animals to feed on.  Pesticide residuals build up over time in animal tissue, especially fat.  For these reasons, if you want to incorporate some organics in your diet, meats and butter are a good place to start. 

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