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Found in many foods, fiber has many health benefits beyond a healthier colon.  It may help prevent cancers (including breast, colon, prostate, uterine), constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood glucose levels, and many other disorders. 

There are seven forms of fiber: pectin, bran, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, gums, and mucilages.  Each form has its own function.  Start with small amounts and gradually increase your intake.  Those suffering from Crohn’s disease or Irritable Bowel should discuss your situation with your practitioner.


Found in apples, carrots, beets, bananas, cabbage, citrus fruits, dried peas, and okra


Found in apples pears, lima beans, carrots, broccoli, peas, whole grains, Brazil nuts, green beans, and beets


Found in apples, beets, whole grain cereals, cabbage, bananas, beans, corn, peppers, greens, and pears


Found in carrots, green beans, peas, whole grains, Brazil nuts, peaches, tomatoes, strawberries, and potatoes

Gums and Mucilages:

Found in oatmeal, oat bran, sesame seeds, and dried beans


Bran is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber.  It is the indigestible outer husk of wheat, rice, oats and other cereal grains.

It is best to rotate the supplemental fiber.  These are good for removing toxins.

Most diets should have fiber in them.  Add these foods to the diet:  Whole grain cereals and flours, brown rice, all kinds of bran, apricots, dried prunes, apples, fruits (except oranges, which are too acidic, bad for arthritis, and highly allergenic), nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and vegetables.  Eat several of these foods daily.  Leave the skin on apples and potatoes.  Coat chicken in corn bran or oats for baking.  Add extra bran to cereals and breads.

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